sexta-feira, 3 de julho de 2015


No episódio "Happy New Year, Charlie Brown" Patty Pimentinha convida a turma para uma festa de ano novo em sua casa. O pobre Charlie está com uma missão nada agradável para as férias de natal: ler Guerra e Paz. Ele carrega o livro enorme e pesado para onde for e decide ceder ao convite de Patty, mas antes dá um jeito meio desajeitado de convidar a menininha ruiva. Antes da meia-noite, entre muitos drinks de chocolate quente e cantorias, Patty decide brincar de Musical Chairs, a conhecida dança da cadeira. Não sei por quê, mas cismei que a melodia tem leve semelhança com "oh, cupido, pra longe de mim". Nesse caso, qualquer semelhança e plágio são só ideias de minha mente fértil. Mas, voltando às cadeiras, aperte e o play e garanta seu lugar.

Hey, It's time for musical chairs, come on let's go,
Setup the chairs, now all in a row.
You run around the chairs til the music stops,
and you have to find a seat now, don't get caught.
Cause when the music stops, you can't be standin' there,
If you wanna be a winner at musical chairs.

Now we take away a chair while you're runnin' around,
don't let the kid in front of you get you down.
Just listen to the rhythm, and don't miss a beat,
cause you don't wanna be the only one without a seat.
Cause when the music stops, you can't be standin' there,
if you wanna be a winner at musical chairs.

Now every time the music stops, you're gonna end up one chair short,
and if you're boogaloin' when the music's gone, sorry you gotta move on.
Now it's the moment of truth, it's gettin' down the wire,
you're burnin' up the side with musical fire.
You hop around each corner and the precious seat,
waitin' for the moment you can get off your feet.
Cause when the music stops, you can't be standin'there,
If you wanna be a winner, you gots to be a winner.
If you wanna be a winner at MUSICAL CHAIRS..... YEAH.

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