domingo, 19 de julho de 2015


"Get in Shape!" é uma canção do especial de 1984 "It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown", que eu ainda não assisti, mas achei uns vídeos no youtube por conta da pesquisa que vem sendo publicada aqui no blog. Assim como Musical Chairs, eu adoro a voz da dubladora de Patty Pimentinha. A gente sabe que ela nunca tira notas boas nas disciplinas propedêuticas, mas como em muitos casos, alunos assim são ótimos nos esportes. Na canção, ela ressalta isso e ainda faz todo mundo malhar, suar, penar e dançar bastante!rs

Peppermint Patty: I run five miles every morning,
I do a hundred pushups every day,
I pedal every night, take a swim, take a hike,
I'm in shape, I'm in shape, I'm in shape!

Everybody: She's practicing Peppermint Patty's PE program.
She's in shape, she's in shape, she's in shape!

Peppermint Patty: When other kids are fading at the finish,
When all the others fail to break the tape,
I saunter round the track and wave to daddy.
I'm in shape, I'm in shape, I'm in shape.  

Everybody: She's practicing Peppermint Patty's PE program,
She's in shape, she's in shape, she's in shape!

Peppermint Patty: Hey Linus get in shape,
Pretty soon it'll be too late.
Hey, Linus! Hey, Linus!
Hey, Chuck, you know how,
Get in shape, do it now.
Hey, Chuck! 

Everybody: Hey, Chuck! 
Peppermint Patty: Hey, Chuck!
Everybody: Hey, Chuck! 
Peppermint Patty: Everybody get fit.
Stop thinking about it, this is it.
Lucy, Linus, Schroeder, Sally, everybody work.

So if you want to follow my example,
You're gonna have to work there's no escape.
You gotta get with Peppermint Patty's PE program,
Get in shape, get in shape, get in shape!

Everybody: She's practicing Peppermint Patty's PE program.
She's in shape
Peppermint Patty: I'm in shape 
Everybody: She's in shape
Peppermint Patty: I'm in shape!

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