quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2015


Peguem a caixinha de lenços para a música mais linda de Snoopy, come home...como não pensar em todos que chegaram e partiram, nos que queríamos que ficassem e se foram? De todos, esse é o momento mais tocante dos especiais de Peanuts. Sempre fica a questão: "why must we pay for hellos that we say?"

 Just when you think that you know where you stand,
You've got the world in your hands.
Just when you're sure of a dream that you've planned,
That's when the scenery changes.
It changes.

Just when you think that you know all the facts,
You hold the whole ball of wax.
You've got it made you can start to relax,
That's when your world rearranges.
It changes.

Someone that you really cared about,
Someone that you couldn't live without,
Severs the ties.

All at once, you're all alone and scared,
All the happy hellos that you shared,
Change to goodbyes.

Why must we pay for hellos that we say?
Pay when we sigh an adieu.
Just when you're sure and you're safe and secure,
That's when it happens to you.
It changes.

(spoken) Why can't we get all the people together  in the world
 that we really like and just stay together forever?
Someone would leave
Someone always leaves 
And then we have to say goodbye 
I hate goodbyes

Why must we pay for hellos that we say?
Pay when we sigh an adieu.
Just when you're sure and you're safe and secure,
That's when it happens to you.
It changes.
Why, oh, why?

(spoken) You know what I need... I need more Hellos.

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